Welcome to Siddha Medicine System

Palm leaf Manuscripts

Siddha system of Medicine is one of the oldest & classical traditional system of medicine , which is widely practiced in the southern state of Tamil Nadu and among other Tamil speaking populations outside the state. Siddha system is in practice for over centuries ,and the principal practitioners of this system of medicine have been known as “Pathin en Siddhars” which means a cohort of 18 siddhars. Conventional views highlight that these 18 Siddhars belonging to different periods and different regions, are the master practitioners and teachers of this system of medicine which is unique from the rest other Indian system of medicines. The key principles, guidelines and methods of Siddha system in terms of diseases , treatment , medicinal preparation , medicines , food & lifestyle, have been prescribed by these siddhars in numerous texts bearing their names. Not inclusive of these 18 siddhars, are innumerable unknown & unnamed practitioners who have documented their knowledge of Siddha through millions of palm leaf manuscripts since centuries.

The Siddha medicine approaches the human body and its diseases in a holistic perspective by relating the body with the outer world environment, food and lifestyle. Siddhar Thirumoolar rightly quotes this key principle of Siddha as “Andathil Ulladhae Pindam, Pindathile Ullathae Andam” meaning that the human matter is nothing, but universal matter is nothing but the human matter. Siddha system considers the body is made of “Pancha boodha” or five elements which are Air, Water, Heat, Space and Earth. Siddha system considers diseases as the outcome of the change in the balance of three vital humors of the body which are “Vadha” “Pitha” and “Kabha”. The three vital humors are the manifestation of the physiological functions of the body and derangement of these three humors causes impairment in the normal functions of the body. Siddha system classifies that there are a total of 4448 disease conditions which could be treated by balancing the three humors of the body. The treatment system of siddha is based on 32 different types of internal which are derived from innumerable herbals , minerals metals and living organisms. The drugs used in Siddha system of medicine system are the evolutionary products, time tested over centuries and have been proven efficacious for a wider variety of disease conditions. In addition to drugs, siddha medicine uses 32 different types of external treatment methods inclusive of surgery.

The uniqueness of Siddha which makes it different from other Indian system of Medicines lies in its rich diversity of medicinal products derived from metals, minerals & living organism. Siddha has developed its specialty disciplines over period of times, to treat patients based on the individuality of patients pulse, symptoms, age, food & life style, geographical & climate factors Siddha has its applications even in the veterinary disciplines and has been used to treat a variety of animal diseases. The Varma therapy based on external pressure application is unique in its approach which could be find with anyother system of medicine. Siddha medicine has generated some of the classic medicines and treatment, food & life style regimes which is finding its use in the society till date since centuries. The prominent contribution of Siddha to the medicine world lies in the ethical principles and standards laid forward by the Siddhars, both for the physician and the patient. Siddha system doesn’t discriminate any one from getting treatment based on any identity and thus grounded on patient first approach.Siddhar’s have lived their lives as great physicians keeping always the societal benefit at first and setting themselves as examples of higher moral and ethical conduct.

Siddha as a system of medicine had retained its uniqueness & identity despite having received relatively less importance among the Indian system Medicines. The interaction of Siddha system with modern science is taking shape and the importance of the Siddha knowledge is appreciably getting validated through modern scientific methods in the present century